
  1. Stockholm Photo Marathon is a digital event.
    You can participate with any digital camera and mobile phone. For the digital camera – remember to bring the associated memory card. The memory card must be blank when the competition starts. A mobile phone does not have to be empty of pictures; make sure you have room for them in the memory.
  2. Pictures in the correct order
    2.1. You must photograph eight (8) or twenty-four (24) themes in the correct order, with one image per the theme. You can delete pictures on the memory card or the phone, but all themes must be photographed in timestamped order. This means that you can not go back and photograph an old theme after you have finished the theme after.
  3. When can photos be taken?
    3.1. All photos must be taken when participating in the Stockholm Photo Marathon, i.e. during the eight or 24 hours between start and finish. You do not have to take every theme precisely every hour, but everything must be photographed during the competition and in the correct order. Make sure your clock on the camera is set correctly.
  4. All photos must be taken with the same camera.
  5. Format of images
    5.1. All images must be in JPEG format, RAW files are not accepted. iPhone users need to switch to “most compatible” in the camera settings (settings-> Camera-> Format -> “Most compatible”). Android users must also ensure their photos are saved as “Most Compatible.” You can read how to do this here.
  6. You may use flashes, tripods, analog filters, and other accessories.
  7. Using applications and features. The basic principle is that you are allowed to add features that you can apply before taking your picture.
    • For mobile phones: You can only use the standard app that came with the phone to take pictures. The choices you can make before taking the picture are permitted. Adding features or effects afterward is not allowed.
    • For digital cameras: You can only use filters, effects, and features that you can apply before the picture is taken.
  8. Editing pictures afterward. Editing afterward is not allowed, nor is cropping pictures. It’s not permitted to add effects or filters after the picture has been taken. Any manipulation of the picture’s metadata or name is not allowed: therefore, do not change the name or alter the EXIF file.
  9. Your memory card should only have eight (8) or twenty-four (24) images in the correct order when you finish and load the images / submit the roll. Submission of more or fewer photos leads to disqualification. Mobile phone users need to have mobile data to upload their pictures. Mobile users can keep their other pictures on the phone. However, you should have selected eight (8) or twenty-four (24) images when uploading them at the finish line.
  10. You must show up at the respective checkpoint at the right time to be able to continue the competition. The place and time where you are expected to be, are written on the participant card handed out at the start.
  11. You must always wear your number plate visible.
  12. You must finish and submit your memory card no later than nine (9) or 25 hours after starting this year’s photo marathon. However, the pictures must be taken no later than eight (8) or 24 hours from the start.
  13. You must follow the ethical rules that apply to photography.
  14. After the competition, you may not share the photos publicly (apart from the designated group on Facebook) before you have been informed by email by the competition management that it is okay to share (after the jury meeting).
  15. In the case of questions or the like that fall outside the rules or different interpretations of the rules, the competition management and/or jury have a veto right that can not be appealed.