Now the jury groups have gone through all the pictures and here is some info regarding:
Share your competition photos in social media
Feel free to send us other pictures from the competition day
The award ceremony
Share your competition photos!

Now you are welcome to share your competition photos in social media and other places where you want to show them.
When you share, please use the tag #StockholmFotomaraton so others can find your photos.
Do you share stories on Instagram? Please tag @stockholmfotomaraton, so we can share your story.
Do you have any other pictures from the event?
We are always looking for images that visualize what Stockholm Fotomaraton is and has been for you. Did you take other pictures during the day? Maybe some mobile pictures or pictures that you saved from the camera? Can we show them and use them?
Feel free to reply to this email with some pictures, or send them to us via Wetransfer.
In addition, we are happy to receive a small story from you about your photo marathon day.
Of course you get photo credits and on Instagram we are happy to tag you when we use them.
Award ceremony & exhibition
We are working with this year’s award ceremony with the goal of conducting a, mainly physical, award ceremony at the Stockholm City Museum on October 16th. The award ceremony will preliminary start at 3 pm.
Please save the date, and we will get back to you as soon as we have more info.
This year’s main exhibition will also take place at the Stockholm City Museum in connection to the award ceremony.
Get your negatives
Did you participate with an analog camera? You can now pick up your negatives at Odenlab in Stockholm.
Odenlab stores the negatives until Nov 29th. Negatives that have not been retrieved before then will be thrown away.